Jumat, 06 Mei 2016

Prepared Before Backpacker

Backpacking seems to have become a trend for many people who crave cheap holiday fun with the budget. Quite often these activities are done in groups, through community or playmates. But it is not easy at first to just prepare the luggage, a backpacker has its own way, even be called art in preparing the luggage. Ditujupun destinations not only within, but up to foreign countries. A backpacker has an extensive network, which can be obtained through social media and virtual community.
For all of you who want to try new experiences of adventure certainly need to understand some basic things that must be understood by a backpacker. Even experienced also remained true to these principles.
basic equipment
What brought by a backpacker course very limited.
Maximizing space in a backpack requires technique and their own way. Bring clothes that can be folded neatly to not take up much space. Moreover bring clothes that dry easily, so you can wash it when there is time allowed. Boxed or packing such neatly so easy to use.
The basic thing that needs to be prepared also are jackets, and gloves. Both not only be protective when cold, but also protect yourself from the heat of the sun or even as a pillow while on the move. While gloves can be used for worship, and also a blanket while you sleep.
Bring a small fortune
As a backpacker, expenses must be as minimal as possible.
This will affect transactions then you do. Compose your supplies such little money in several different places to make it more secure, as well as to organize your spending during the holidays. Some places like the small pockets in the bag, on the sidelines of a trip logbook, or in socks. In addition, it will be able to keep yourself from theft crimes that might occur.
map of travel
Map will be your travel guide.
Although it's been known GPS or a cell phone equipped with a digital map. However, the map is still an option. Simultaneously because many will not require batteries, or can attract thieves electronic items. Maps can be obtained at the tourist information center, with various types of start location maps, to map travel information.
Supplements and medications
Supplement during long trips should be provided independently. Physical endurance and stamina should be supported by the consumption of vitamins and other nutritional support to maintain your health. Personalized medicine if you have certain diseases absolutely must be taken at the same time an insurance card as well as the blood group card. Eat nutritious foods contain fiber during the holidays. Do not consume too much instant foods that cause you hungry faster and less nutritious. Look for information on the restaurant's menu offers a unique local flavor that is delicious and of course your skills to ask questions and seek information is crucial.
Keep yourself from spending do not need
The urge to buy souvenirs or unique items in a holiday location of course is a natural thing. But keep in mind that you only carry a backpack. And this would be inconvenient your trip if you have to carry several bags at once. Especially if you go alone or with some friends who also have their own luggage. Keep yourself to spending a lot of stuff. Simply buy one / two kinds of souvenirs as a keepsake and multiply the image as well as record your memories to be shared with colleagues in order to visit him.
Some of the tips above is simple and has been widely understood partially traveler. But of course it is necessary to understand, especially for those who want to start adventure backpacker style.

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